Sunday, December 20, 2009

CyberKnife completed

I have had my last dose of radiation through CyberKnife yesterday. (The total dose of radiation recommended was 2400 cGy spread over three days. Gray is the unit of radiation and is defined as one joule of energy absorbed by one kilogram of matter. I had thus received 2400 centi Gray of radiation!)

Though the entire was painless and non-invasive, it was cumbersome not to be moved for almost two hours in each session! A mild movement such as that of fingers and arms is fine, but any medium movement causes the robotic arm of the surgery equipment to stop and proceed which might end up in taking more time for each session! :)

Now that the CyberKnife is complete, I need to meet my team of doctors (radiation oncologists, medical oncologist and a surgical oncologist) tomorrow to discuss on the future plan of the treatment. The discussion might include such issues as the post-radiation medication, the time of the next PET/CT scan to know the response of the tumor to radiation and any thing more. Hope, this radio-surgery might have had a positive impact on my overall health. :)


  1. good man..congrats..hope the disease is over and done with :)

  2. So you were like statue during radiation...That's really tough....Hope you will get +ve results out of this...Take care raa..

    ~ Raja

  3. Hope you are feeling better now. It is very effective and success ratio with cyberknife treatment is exceptional.Cyberknife can deliver radiation with an extraordinary precision saving the surrounding critical organs of unnecessary exposure.

    Cancer Treatment
