Thursday, November 12, 2009

Post-Chemo-16 effect

Today, I am feeling a bit feverish with rashes spread across my thighs and legs - some of the rashes carry pus, which might be a sign of minor infection! I had called up the doctor today and she had suggested me applying Betnovate ointment for the rashes.

After a long time, I had slept for around two hours in the afternoon! Probably, my body felt strained because of the toxins inside flowing through the blood! I have a feeling of dullness and loss of concentration which made me cancel my reading of business papers of the day. I spent calmly in the evening in the darkness of the room mooning about the good days ahead!

1 comment:

  1. Dude,

    Satish and I are planning to come visiting. Had to tell him about this, sorry. Will call you before that time let us know a convenient time. Let us not interrupt a time when you would be resting.

